This is the last week of the month of Swedish. I feel that this month has been my most productive one to date. I have learned many things, not only about Swedish but about the study of language in general. As a final test of my Swedish accomplishments for the month, I decided to read a newspaper article and figure out the percentage of words that I understood. The tally ended up being this:
Total words: 416
Known words: 283
% of words known: 68.03%
I plan to do this from now on at the end of every month to gauge my growth every month, which I will share here. I have one more day's worth of work in Swedish left, and then I will be starting Arabic on Saturday.
I began practicing in my apartment this week. It is a little uncomfortable, only because I do not want to bother the other people in my building. I try, however to only practice in the middle of the afternoon when few people are around. I warmed up to an easy B-flat consistently this week and today was able to sing, rather comfortably, some A's in context which was encouraging!
Detta är den sista veckan i månaden i svenska. Jag tycker att denna månad har varit min mest produktiva en hittills. Jag har lärt mig många saker, inter bara om svenska, utan om att studera språk i allmänhet. Som ett sista test av mina svenska prestationer för månaden, beslöt jag att läsa en tidningsartikel och ränka ut den procentuella andelen av ord som jag förstod. Det stämmer till slut blev detta:
Totalt ord: 416
Kända ord: 283
% av de kända orden: 68,03%
Jag planerar att göra detta från och med nu i slutet av varje månad för att mäta min tillväxt varje månad, som jag kommer att dela här. Jag har ytterligare en dag till ett värde av arbete i svenska vänstern, och då jag kommer att börja arabiska på lördag.
Jag började träna i min lägenhet denna vecka. Det är lite obehagligt, bara för att jag inte vill besvära andra människor i mitt hus. Jag försöker dock att endast praxis i mitten av eftermiddage när få människor runt. Jag värmde upp till en lätt Bb konsekvent här veckan och i dag kunde sjunga, ganska bekvämt, några As i sammanhang som var uppmuntrande!
2011 Learning Plan
Since it is the end of the year, I feel I should update my learning plan. Although Arabic is technically the end of my one-month cycle, I have decided that since January is the beginning of the year, that I would fix my cycle so that it corresponds more with the calendar year. Therefore, Arabic will being my three-month cycle. After this will follow Italian, French and German. My goals for these four languages this year will be to get to an intermediate level in Arabic, a professional level in Italian and French, and an advanced intermediate level in German. In addition to the three months allotted to each of these languages, I will continue to work on my Anki decks in Swedish, plus the languages of the present year as they come up. Also, I plan to do my reading exercise/test in Swedish, plus the other four languages as they come up. I will continue to maintain these things even once their allotted time is up. I have determined that I should maintain as I go the languages which I have previously worked on at least once a month. I think that this will add to my abilities and enable me to continue to grow, at least at a passive level.
A little further explanation of my reading exercise/test
For my reading test, I pick an article out of a native newspaper, read and click on the counter on my phone when I come across a word I do not know. After I tally up those scores presented above, I then go back and catalog the unknown words into Anki with their relevant translation. In this way I can add pertinent language to my vocabulary. I choose the articles at random so that way my vocabulary can be varied. My goal with these tests is to eventually get my % of known words above 95%.
Methodology Minute
This is going to be a new feature on the blog which I am hoping to make a vital point for those who read here. I get very few readers here (I average about 32 per month), which is fine, but I realize that I should try to use this as a medium to assist those who may be interested in either learning a language or singing or anything really rather than just simply talk about myself all the time. I am hoping that this will bring in more readers eventually if it proves to be helpful enough. As I have been going through this adventure I have learned a great many things in various topics, which I will share here. These topics will be whatever is on my mind at the time of writing and may be very broad in topics ranging from language to singing to time management, etc. I hope that someone finds these things helpful in some way.
There are many people who are much more accomplished in the languages than I am who nearly abhor flashcards and SRS systems in general. They tend to prefer learning words in context, or learning sentences instead, or simply going out and socializing with native speakers. I applaud them in their accomplishments and do believe that these things are a vital part of learning languages to a high level. I will not argue with them as I respect them and have learned many things from their respective blogs and youtube channels (I will talk about these things in a later post). I have found in my studies, however, that my Anki deck is a very valuable resources in my study of languages. The beauty of Anki, as pointed out in an earlier post, is that you can grade yourself on how well you know a word, or phrase, and the software decides when you should next review that card. I have gone through nearly 500 words in my Swedish deck, and the results are shown in my reading test. The other lovely thing about Anki is that you can make your own cards and modify them as you continue to learn more. In my deck, verbs are conjugated into four tenses: Present, Imperfect, Imperative and Supine. As I learn a new tense I go back and add it to my cards, thus increasing my knowledge of the word and the grammar. I think that flashcards, especially systems such as Anki are an invaluable resources for learners, not just of languages but of all fields. If I had known about Anki in college I would have used it for all of my music history dates, composers and major works. I strongly encourage anyone who needs to learn and memorize any information to use Anki. It is not for the short-term learner, but for the person who wants to make sure they know something forever.
Note: College students, this means you need to put all your relevant dates in earlier rather than later because if something is graded Easy by you three times or more you won't see it again for at least a month!
A chronicle of my journey on the way to fluency in ten languages and on the way to becoming a tenor.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Svenska - Vecka 4
I had a very interesting experience this week in Swedish. This month, as stated earlier, I have been playing around with the concept of working primarily on grammar and not worrying so much about speaking right away. Well, this week after a session of practice I spontaneously began to speak in Swedish! Not only was it spontaneous, but it was relatively simple and came out without me having to think much about it. This is the most comfortable I have felt speaking any language, though my vocabulary is slightly limited at the moment. I feel that I have really struck on something this month from a pedagogical standpoint. In other news, I have started using Anki this week which has been good as well as Byki. Both of these programs have advantages to them and disadvantages.
I currently have learned 97 words/phrases through Byki and 369 words/phrases through Anki in about the same amount of time. The interesting thing about Byki is that though I have learned less items, these items have been imprinted in my brain due to the amount of repetition and the general process which Byki uses. The downside to Byki is that the free program has very few lists and I would have to make more on my own in order to continue using it, but then it will be lacking the audio which the pre-made lists have. Anki, on the other hand, is completely free and while I tend to not necessarily remember the words as well the first few times through, the spaced repetition is a wonderful thing (Byki uses this as well, but not as thoroughly). With Anki I can grade myself on how well I know my items and I have developed a pretty simple system for grading these things. My vocabulary from Anki is coming from the grammar book I am using which I have mentioned earlier and I figure on a vocabulary of about 1000 words from this book by the time it is all said and done. Unfortunately, that will not be this month as I have to start my new language in a mere few days, Arabic.
I had a gentleman singer-friend today tell me that my high notes were becoming more tenor-like! Overall, I have been impressed with how easy G's and A-flat's have been lately. I am not positive of the quality, but it is still a great step forward that these pitches are becoming easier. Ultimately muscular strength has to come before the coordination can be tuned. I have booked my plane to NYC for my January lesson with JRL and am looking forward to finally having another lesson. I have not had one in a long time and am curious how my work has been.
Jag hade en mycket intressant upplevelse denna vecka i svenska. Denna månad, anges som tidigare, jag har lekt med tanken att arbeta främst på grammatik och inte oroa sig så mycket att tala direkt. Nåväl, den här veckan efter ett möte i praktiken började jag spontant att tala svenska! Det var inte bara spontan, men det var relativt enkelt och kom ut utan mig att behöva tänka mycket om det. Detta är det mest bekväma jag har kännt att tala vilket språk som helst, men mitt ordförråd är något denna månad ur pedagogisk synvinkel. I andra nyheter har jag börjat använda Anki den här veckan som har varit bra liksom Byki. Båda dessa program har födelar för dem och nackdelar.
Jag för närvarande har lärt mig 97 ord/fraser genom Byki och 369 ord/fraser genom Anki i ungerfär samma tid. Det intressanta Byki är att även jag har lärt mig midre objekt har dessa poster har märkt i min hjärna på grund av mängden av upprepning och de allmänna process som Byki använder. Nackdelen Byki är att den fria programmet har mycket få listor och jag skulle behöva göra mer för mig själv för att kunn fortsätta använda den, men så kommer det att saknas ljudet som färdiga lista har. Anki, å andra sidan, är helt gratis och även om jag tenderar att inte nödvändigtvis komma ihåg orden och de första gångerna genom är repetitionsbaserad en underbar sak (Byki använder detta också, men inte lika grundligt). Med Anki jag kan själv betyg på hur väl jag vet att mina artiklar och jag har utvecklat en ganska enkelt system för klassificering av dessa sacker. Mit ordförråd från Anki komm från grammatikbok jag använder som jag nämnt tidigare och jag siffra på ett ordförråd på ca 1000 ord från denna bok av den tid det är allt sagt och gjort. Tyvärr kommer detta inte vara dan här månaden som jag måste börja mitt nya språk på bara några dagar, arabiska.
Jag hade en vän gentleman sångerska i dag berätta att mina höga toner belv mer tenor-like! Totalt har jag varit imponerad av hur enkelt G's och A-flats har nyligen. Jag är inte positiv för kvaliten, men de är fortfarande ett stort steg fråmat att dessa plaster blir lättare. Ytterst muskelstyrka måste komma före samordningen kan anpassas. Jag har bokat mitt plan till NYC för min januari lektion med JRL och jag ser fram emot att äntligen ha en annan lektion. Jag har inte haft en på länge och är nyfiken på hur mitt arbete har varit.
I currently have learned 97 words/phrases through Byki and 369 words/phrases through Anki in about the same amount of time. The interesting thing about Byki is that though I have learned less items, these items have been imprinted in my brain due to the amount of repetition and the general process which Byki uses. The downside to Byki is that the free program has very few lists and I would have to make more on my own in order to continue using it, but then it will be lacking the audio which the pre-made lists have. Anki, on the other hand, is completely free and while I tend to not necessarily remember the words as well the first few times through, the spaced repetition is a wonderful thing (Byki uses this as well, but not as thoroughly). With Anki I can grade myself on how well I know my items and I have developed a pretty simple system for grading these things. My vocabulary from Anki is coming from the grammar book I am using which I have mentioned earlier and I figure on a vocabulary of about 1000 words from this book by the time it is all said and done. Unfortunately, that will not be this month as I have to start my new language in a mere few days, Arabic.
I had a gentleman singer-friend today tell me that my high notes were becoming more tenor-like! Overall, I have been impressed with how easy G's and A-flat's have been lately. I am not positive of the quality, but it is still a great step forward that these pitches are becoming easier. Ultimately muscular strength has to come before the coordination can be tuned. I have booked my plane to NYC for my January lesson with JRL and am looking forward to finally having another lesson. I have not had one in a long time and am curious how my work has been.
Jag hade en mycket intressant upplevelse denna vecka i svenska. Denna månad, anges som tidigare, jag har lekt med tanken att arbeta främst på grammatik och inte oroa sig så mycket att tala direkt. Nåväl, den här veckan efter ett möte i praktiken började jag spontant att tala svenska! Det var inte bara spontan, men det var relativt enkelt och kom ut utan mig att behöva tänka mycket om det. Detta är det mest bekväma jag har kännt att tala vilket språk som helst, men mitt ordförråd är något denna månad ur pedagogisk synvinkel. I andra nyheter har jag börjat använda Anki den här veckan som har varit bra liksom Byki. Båda dessa program har födelar för dem och nackdelar.
Jag för närvarande har lärt mig 97 ord/fraser genom Byki och 369 ord/fraser genom Anki i ungerfär samma tid. Det intressanta Byki är att även jag har lärt mig midre objekt har dessa poster har märkt i min hjärna på grund av mängden av upprepning och de allmänna process som Byki använder. Nackdelen Byki är att den fria programmet har mycket få listor och jag skulle behöva göra mer för mig själv för att kunn fortsätta använda den, men så kommer det att saknas ljudet som färdiga lista har. Anki, å andra sidan, är helt gratis och även om jag tenderar att inte nödvändigtvis komma ihåg orden och de första gångerna genom är repetitionsbaserad en underbar sak (Byki använder detta också, men inte lika grundligt). Med Anki jag kan själv betyg på hur väl jag vet att mina artiklar och jag har utvecklat en ganska enkelt system för klassificering av dessa sacker. Mit ordförråd från Anki komm från grammatikbok jag använder som jag nämnt tidigare och jag siffra på ett ordförråd på ca 1000 ord från denna bok av den tid det är allt sagt och gjort. Tyvärr kommer detta inte vara dan här månaden som jag måste börja mitt nya språk på bara några dagar, arabiska.
Jag hade en vän gentleman sångerska i dag berätta att mina höga toner belv mer tenor-like! Totalt har jag varit imponerad av hur enkelt G's och A-flats har nyligen. Jag är inte positiv för kvaliten, men de är fortfarande ett stort steg fråmat att dessa plaster blir lättare. Ytterst muskelstyrka måste komma före samordningen kan anpassas. Jag har bokat mitt plan till NYC för min januari lektion med JRL och jag ser fram emot att äntligen ha en annan lektion. Jag har inte haft en på länge och är nyfiken på hur mitt arbete har varit.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Svenska - Vecka 3
It has been a good week again for Swedish. The most important achievement of the week was getting my Mac back up and running. Now that I have full functionality back I have begun to use Anki again and have started to listen to podcasts as they become available. I am also working my way through the Hugo book I spoke of last week. I feel like I am getting a lot from the book in the way of understanding the format and grammar of the language, although I am not speaking as much as I would like to. As the knowledge I am gaining soldifies I am hoping that, as with Italian, I will just spontaneously be able to start forming thoughts out loud. For my Anki deck in Swedish, I am simply adding the vocabulary lists at the end of each chapter in the Hugo and going through them. I am really impressed with how well the book drills vocab into your head without you really realizing it. I am only three chapters in, but I think that I can definitely recommend this book series (at least the 1992 edition) to any one interested in learning a language.
I have nothing to say vocally, another subpar week on the practice time front. After the holidays I am hoping that I can start really focusing on my two endeavors and devote two hours a day to each.
Det har varit en bra vecka igen för svenska. Det viktigaste av veckan skulle hämat min Mac igång igen. Nu när jag har full funktionalitet tillbaka har jag börjat använda Anki igen och har börjat lyssna på podcasts när de blir tillgängliga. Jag arbetar också mig igenom Hugo boken jag talade om förra veckan. Det känns som jag får en hel del från boken i sätt att förstå format och språkets grammatik, även om jag inte talar så mycket som jag skulle vilja. Som den kunskap jag vinner konsolidera hoppas jag att precis som italienska, jag bara spontant kunna börja bilda tankar högt. För min Anki däck på svenska, jag lägger helt enkelt gloslistor i slutet av varje kapitel i Hugo och gå igenom dem. Jag är verkligen imponerad av hur bra boken borrar vokabulär i ditt huvud utan att du verkligen inse det. Jag är bara tre kapitel i, men jag tror att jag definitivt rekommendera denna bok serie (åtminstone 1992 års upplaga) till någon intresserad av att lära sig ett språk.
Jag har ingenting att säga muntligt, en annan stycket veckan på praktiken gången front. Efter semestern hoppas jag att jag kan börja verkligen fokusera på mina två strävanden och ägna två timmar per dag till varje.
I have nothing to say vocally, another subpar week on the practice time front. After the holidays I am hoping that I can start really focusing on my two endeavors and devote two hours a day to each.
Det har varit en bra vecka igen för svenska. Det viktigaste av veckan skulle hämat min Mac igång igen. Nu när jag har full funktionalitet tillbaka har jag börjat använda Anki igen och har börjat lyssna på podcasts när de blir tillgängliga. Jag arbetar också mig igenom Hugo boken jag talade om förra veckan. Det känns som jag får en hel del från boken i sätt att förstå format och språkets grammatik, även om jag inte talar så mycket som jag skulle vilja. Som den kunskap jag vinner konsolidera hoppas jag att precis som italienska, jag bara spontant kunna börja bilda tankar högt. För min Anki däck på svenska, jag lägger helt enkelt gloslistor i slutet av varje kapitel i Hugo och gå igenom dem. Jag är verkligen imponerad av hur bra boken borrar vokabulär i ditt huvud utan att du verkligen inse det. Jag är bara tre kapitel i, men jag tror att jag definitivt rekommendera denna bok serie (åtminstone 1992 års upplaga) till någon intresserad av att lära sig ett språk.
Jag har ingenting att säga muntligt, en annan stycket veckan på praktiken gången front. Efter semestern hoppas jag att jag kan börja verkligen fokusera på mina två strävanden och ägna två timmar per dag till varje.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Svenska - Vecka 2
It has been a rather exciting week for me from a language standpoint. I have not necessarily made any major progress in Swedish yet, however I did obtain a couple of new resources which I am very excited about. I received two resources this week: 1.) Essential Swedish Grammar and 2.) Swedish in Three Months (note: The links are not the editions I purchased, I tend to buy earlier editions of learning materials due to an increase in information as compared to more current editions). I have started using the latter of the two books already and am really enjoying the way it is setup. Luckily, it is published for many of my languages so I may seek out some other editions. I feel like my learning curve has been a lot slower this month, which I attribute to my lack of audio learning programs (i.e. Pimsleur, Michel Thomas, etc.), however Swedish is not a terribly high priority at this point as it falls into my third category of languages that I am working on along with Portuguese and Arabic.
I do not have much to say vocally; it has been a difficult time for me which has involved a lot of frustration and thinking about things. I am hoping that this week I can get back into the swing of things and find a regular schedule again to practice both voice and language.
Det har varit en ganska spännande venska för mig från ett språk synvinkel. Jag har inte nödvändigtvis gjort några större framsteg på svenska ännu, men jag erhöll ett par nya resurer som jag är mycket exalterad över. Jag fick två medel denna vecka: 1.) Essential Swedish Grammar och 2.) Swedish in Three Months (notera: Länkarna är inte de upplagor jag har köpt, jag tenderar att köpa tidigare upplagor av läromedel på grund av en ökning av information jämfört till mer aktuell upplagor). Jag har börjat använda den senare av de två böcker redan och jag njuter så det är inställt. Lyckligtvis är det publiceras för många av mina språk så jag kan söka några andra utgåvor. Jag känner mig som min inlärningskurva har varit mycket långsammare den här månaden, som jag tillskriver min brist på ljud läranade (dvs. Pimsleur, Michel Thomas, etc.), men svenska är inte en fruktansvärthög prioritet på denna punkt eftersom den faller i min tredje kategori av språk som jag abetar på tillsammans med portugisiska och arabiska.
Jag har inte mycket att säga muntligt, det har varit en svår tid för mig vilket har inneburit en hel del frustration och tänka om saker. Jag hoppas att den här veckan kan jag komma tillbaka till swing av saker och hitta et regelbundet schema igen att öva både röst och språk.
I do not have much to say vocally; it has been a difficult time for me which has involved a lot of frustration and thinking about things. I am hoping that this week I can get back into the swing of things and find a regular schedule again to practice both voice and language.
Det har varit en ganska spännande venska för mig från ett språk synvinkel. Jag har inte nödvändigtvis gjort några större framsteg på svenska ännu, men jag erhöll ett par nya resurer som jag är mycket exalterad över. Jag fick två medel denna vecka: 1.) Essential Swedish Grammar och 2.) Swedish in Three Months (notera: Länkarna är inte de upplagor jag har köpt, jag tenderar att köpa tidigare upplagor av läromedel på grund av en ökning av information jämfört till mer aktuell upplagor). Jag har börjat använda den senare av de två böcker redan och jag njuter så det är inställt. Lyckligtvis är det publiceras för många av mina språk så jag kan söka några andra utgåvor. Jag känner mig som min inlärningskurva har varit mycket långsammare den här månaden, som jag tillskriver min brist på ljud läranade (dvs. Pimsleur, Michel Thomas, etc.), men svenska är inte en fruktansvärthög prioritet på denna punkt eftersom den faller i min tredje kategori av språk som jag abetar på tillsammans med portugisiska och arabiska.
Jag har inte mycket att säga muntligt, det har varit en svår tid för mig vilket har inneburit en hel del frustration och tänka om saker. Jag hoppas att den här veckan kan jag komma tillbaka till swing av saker och hitta et regelbundet schema igen att öva både röst och språk.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Svenska - Vecka 1
It has not exactly been a week, more like a half-week but I am enjoying Swedish so far. I am taking a slightly different route this time focusing a little bit more on the grammar than I have in other languages. I am still focused on listening to and reading as much in the language as possible, and I have even begun to pray the Rosary in Swedish. The result of my delving into the grammar of the language first is that I am not able to speak as much as I would like at this point, however we will see what happens as the month progresses. I get the sense that by learning the grammar first I can pick out the parts of the language easier in reading and listening which should ultimately speed up my process.
There is not much to say vocally that was not already said in the last post. Still just sticking to the grindwheel.
Det har inte precis varit en vecka, mer som en halv vecka men jag njuter av svenska hittills. Jag tar en något annan väg den här gången fokusera lite mer på grammatik än jag har i andra språk. Jag är fortfarande fokuserad på att lyssna på och läsa så mycket i språket som möjligt, och jag har även börjat be rosenkransen på svenska. Resultatet av min djupdykning i grammatik i språket är der första att jag inte kan tala så mycket som jag skulle vilja på denn punkt, men vi får se vad som händer som månaden fortskrider. Jag får känslan att genom att lära sig grammatik första jag kan plocka ut de delar av språket lättare att läsa och lyssna vilka slutligen borde påskynda min process.
Det finns inte mycket att säga muntligt som inte redan var sagt i förra inlägget. Fortfarande bara hålla sig till grindwheel.
There is not much to say vocally that was not already said in the last post. Still just sticking to the grindwheel.
Det har inte precis varit en vecka, mer som en halv vecka men jag njuter av svenska hittills. Jag tar en något annan väg den här gången fokusera lite mer på grammatik än jag har i andra språk. Jag är fortfarande fokuserad på att lyssna på och läsa så mycket i språket som möjligt, och jag har även börjat be rosenkransen på svenska. Resultatet av min djupdykning i grammatik i språket är der första att jag inte kan tala så mycket som jag skulle vilja på denn punkt, men vi får se vad som händer som månaden fortskrider. Jag får känslan att genom att lära sig grammatik första jag kan plocka ut de delar av språket lättare att läsa och lyssna vilka slutligen borde påskynda min process.
Det finns inte mycket att säga muntligt som inte redan var sagt i förra inlägget. Fortfarande bara hålla sig till grindwheel.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Deutsch - Woche 4
The month of German is quickly coming to an end. It has been a fun, interesting and informative month for me. I have developed my plan for how I am going to approach learning languages further and really think that I am beginning to hone in on what is going to work best for me. I have two more months to play with methodology before I begin my cycle anew. By that time, I hope to have a solid plan of attack for my next cycle.
I have been impressed with the amount of German that I have taken away from this month. I feel that, even though I didn't use pre-made resources, I still have learned just as much this month as I have in previous months with other languages. I suppose this goes to show that resources are what you make of them.
This has been both a horrible and interesting week vocally. I barely got to practice at all due to the holiday - my normal practice space was closed for most of the week. When I did get to practice, though, I noticed some marked changes in my voice. First I have found that Ab4 and occassionally A4 have begun to unify with the rest of my middle and passaggio in timbre (at least according to my ears). Bb4 and B4 are still for the most part there, but not within the realm of singable every day. I had also been trying to get a lesson this past week, but never was able to make it happen. Now I must wait until January to figure out how my path is going and what I need to do next. With Advent having just begun, I sense that this is a time of renewal for me in many ways. I have found new things on both the language and vocal front that are invigorating and look forward to the coming adventures in both fields.
Der Monat der deutschen Sprache schnell zu Ende. Es ist ein Spaß, war interessant und informativ Monat für mich. Ich habe meinen Plan, wie werde ich das Erlernen von Sprachen weiterer Ansatz und glaube wirklich, dass ich anfange zu schärfen, was wird am besten für mich Arbeit entwickelt. Ich habe noch zwei Monate Zeit, um mit der Methodik zu spielen, bevor ich mein Zyklus beginnen von neuem. Bis dahin hoffe ich, zu einem festen Plan des Angriffs für meinen nächsten Zyklus haben.
Ich habe mit der Menge der deutschen, dass ich weg von diesem Monat getroffen wurden beeindruckt. Ich glaube, dass, obwohl ich nicht verwenden vorgefertigte Ressourcen, habe ich noch genauso viel wie ich in diesem Monat in den vergangenen Monaten mit anderen Sprachen gelernt haben. Ich nehme an, das zeigt, dass die Ressourcen, was Sie daraus machen.
Dies hat sowohl eine schreckliche und interessant Woche stimmlich. Ich bekam kaum auf allen wegen der Ferien Praxis - mein üblichen Praxis Raum war für die meisten der Woche geschlossen. Als ich bekommen habe zu üben, obwohl, bemerkte ich einige deutliche Veränderungen in meiner Stimme. Erstens habe ich festgestellt, dass Ab4 und gelegentlich A4 haben begonnen, mit dem Rest meiner Mitt und im Timbre Passaggio vereinheitlichen (zumindest nach meinen Ohren). Bb4 und B4 sind noch zum größten Teil vorhanden, aber nicht in der Bereich der singbar jeden Tag. Ich hatte auch versucht, eine Lektion bekommen in der vergangenen Woche, aber nie konnte es geschehen zu lassen. Jetzt muss ich bis Januar warten, um herauszufinden, wie mein Weg geht und was brauche ich als nächstes zu tun. Mit Advent gerade erst begonnen haben, spüre ich, dass dies eine Zeit der Erneuerung für mich in vielerlei Hinsicht. Ich habe neue Dinge auf die Sprache und Gesang vor, dass belebend und sind gespannt auf die kommenden Abenteuer in beiden Feldern gefunden.
I have been impressed with the amount of German that I have taken away from this month. I feel that, even though I didn't use pre-made resources, I still have learned just as much this month as I have in previous months with other languages. I suppose this goes to show that resources are what you make of them.
This has been both a horrible and interesting week vocally. I barely got to practice at all due to the holiday - my normal practice space was closed for most of the week. When I did get to practice, though, I noticed some marked changes in my voice. First I have found that Ab4 and occassionally A4 have begun to unify with the rest of my middle and passaggio in timbre (at least according to my ears). Bb4 and B4 are still for the most part there, but not within the realm of singable every day. I had also been trying to get a lesson this past week, but never was able to make it happen. Now I must wait until January to figure out how my path is going and what I need to do next. With Advent having just begun, I sense that this is a time of renewal for me in many ways. I have found new things on both the language and vocal front that are invigorating and look forward to the coming adventures in both fields.
Der Monat der deutschen Sprache schnell zu Ende. Es ist ein Spaß, war interessant und informativ Monat für mich. Ich habe meinen Plan, wie werde ich das Erlernen von Sprachen weiterer Ansatz und glaube wirklich, dass ich anfange zu schärfen, was wird am besten für mich Arbeit entwickelt. Ich habe noch zwei Monate Zeit, um mit der Methodik zu spielen, bevor ich mein Zyklus beginnen von neuem. Bis dahin hoffe ich, zu einem festen Plan des Angriffs für meinen nächsten Zyklus haben.
Ich habe mit der Menge der deutschen, dass ich weg von diesem Monat getroffen wurden beeindruckt. Ich glaube, dass, obwohl ich nicht verwenden vorgefertigte Ressourcen, habe ich noch genauso viel wie ich in diesem Monat in den vergangenen Monaten mit anderen Sprachen gelernt haben. Ich nehme an, das zeigt, dass die Ressourcen, was Sie daraus machen.
Dies hat sowohl eine schreckliche und interessant Woche stimmlich. Ich bekam kaum auf allen wegen der Ferien Praxis - mein üblichen Praxis Raum war für die meisten der Woche geschlossen. Als ich bekommen habe zu üben, obwohl, bemerkte ich einige deutliche Veränderungen in meiner Stimme. Erstens habe ich festgestellt, dass Ab4 und gelegentlich A4 haben begonnen, mit dem Rest meiner Mitt und im Timbre Passaggio vereinheitlichen (zumindest nach meinen Ohren). Bb4 und B4 sind noch zum größten Teil vorhanden, aber nicht in der Bereich der singbar jeden Tag. Ich hatte auch versucht, eine Lektion bekommen in der vergangenen Woche, aber nie konnte es geschehen zu lassen. Jetzt muss ich bis Januar warten, um herauszufinden, wie mein Weg geht und was brauche ich als nächstes zu tun. Mit Advent gerade erst begonnen haben, spüre ich, dass dies eine Zeit der Erneuerung für mich in vielerlei Hinsicht. Ich habe neue Dinge auf die Sprache und Gesang vor, dass belebend und sind gespannt auf die kommenden Abenteuer in beiden Feldern gefunden.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Deutsch - Woche 3
Late again, I know, but this has been a pretty exciting week for me in German. I have been listening to only German radio for the most part and trying to read a little German everyday and yesterday I had written a very basic e-mail to a friend in German. The excitement comes here: He wrote back in German and I was able to read the entire e-mail and understand everything without having to look a single word up! This is a great step forward for me and seems to be a snippet of the answer in finding a method that works best for me learning languages. I unfortunately only have about two weeks left in German, and then I move to Swedish which I am very excited for. I am sure that Swedish will help my German and visa-versa.
Vocally it has also been an exciting week for a couple of reasons. Sunday night I gave a concert with my girlfriend which accomplished many great things. First, we ended up having over 100 people attend the concert, which is at least double what we expected. Second we raised $300 for our church; and lastly, I had an extremely consistent performance all night and got some amazing feedback about the concert on a whole and my own personal progression. The other really positive thing to happen this week is that I found a balance on A4 which I have never felt before. The note felt like it had ample airflow (read: ease) and yet was still very well connected to my chest voice. This is only happening on one specific A4 in one specific phrase, but it is still a very exciting event. This provides me with a reference point as to where the A4 is in my voice and my body; now I just need to build up its consistency.
Wieder zu spät, ich weiß, aber das war ein ziemlich aufregende Woche für mich in deutscher Sprache. Ich habe nur die deutsche Radio gehört zum größten Tiel und zu versuchen, ein wenig Deutsch Alltag und gestern hatte ich geschrieben eine sehr einfache E-Mail an einen Freund in Deutsch lesen. Die Aufregung kommt hier: Er schrieb zurück in Deutsch und ich konnte die gesamte E-Mail lesen und alles verstehen, ohne ein einziges Wort nachschlagen! Dies ist ein großer Schritt vorwärts für mich und scheint ein Ausschnitt aus der Antwort bei der Suche nach einer Methode, die für mich am besten funktioniert das Erlernen von Sprachen. Ich habe leider nur etwa zwei Wochen in deutschen Linken, und dann bewege ich mich auf Schwedisch, die ich sehr für mich aufgeregt. Ich bin sicher, dass die schwedische hilft meiner deutschen und Visa-versa.
Gesanglich es wurde auch eine aufregende Woche für ein paar Gründe. Sonntag Nacht gab ich ein Konzert mit meiner Freundin, die viele großartige Dinge vollbracht. Zuerst landeten wie mit mehr als 100 Menschen besuchen das Konzert, das mindestens doppelt, was wir zu erwarten ist. Zweitens wir $300 erhört für unsere Kirche, und endlich hatte ich eine extrem konstante Leistung die ganze Nacht und verlor einige erstaunliche Rückmeldung über das Konzert am Ganzen und meine persönliche Weiterentwicklung. Die anderen wirklich etwas Positives geschehen in dieser Woche ist, dass ich ein Gleichgewicht auf A4, die ich nie zufor gefühlt haben gefunden. Die Note fühlte sich an wie Luftluss hatte (sprich: zu erleichtern) und war doch immer noch sehr gut an meine Brust Stimme verbunden. Dies geschieht nur auf einer bestimmten A4 in einer bestimmten Phrase, aber es ist immer noch eine sehr spannendeVeranstaltung. Das gibt mir ein Bezugspunkt, wo die A4 in meine Stimme und mein Körper ist, jetzt brauche ich nur den Aufbau ihrer Konsistenz.
Vocally it has also been an exciting week for a couple of reasons. Sunday night I gave a concert with my girlfriend which accomplished many great things. First, we ended up having over 100 people attend the concert, which is at least double what we expected. Second we raised $300 for our church; and lastly, I had an extremely consistent performance all night and got some amazing feedback about the concert on a whole and my own personal progression. The other really positive thing to happen this week is that I found a balance on A4 which I have never felt before. The note felt like it had ample airflow (read: ease) and yet was still very well connected to my chest voice. This is only happening on one specific A4 in one specific phrase, but it is still a very exciting event. This provides me with a reference point as to where the A4 is in my voice and my body; now I just need to build up its consistency.
Wieder zu spät, ich weiß, aber das war ein ziemlich aufregende Woche für mich in deutscher Sprache. Ich habe nur die deutsche Radio gehört zum größten Tiel und zu versuchen, ein wenig Deutsch Alltag und gestern hatte ich geschrieben eine sehr einfache E-Mail an einen Freund in Deutsch lesen. Die Aufregung kommt hier: Er schrieb zurück in Deutsch und ich konnte die gesamte E-Mail lesen und alles verstehen, ohne ein einziges Wort nachschlagen! Dies ist ein großer Schritt vorwärts für mich und scheint ein Ausschnitt aus der Antwort bei der Suche nach einer Methode, die für mich am besten funktioniert das Erlernen von Sprachen. Ich habe leider nur etwa zwei Wochen in deutschen Linken, und dann bewege ich mich auf Schwedisch, die ich sehr für mich aufgeregt. Ich bin sicher, dass die schwedische hilft meiner deutschen und Visa-versa.
Gesanglich es wurde auch eine aufregende Woche für ein paar Gründe. Sonntag Nacht gab ich ein Konzert mit meiner Freundin, die viele großartige Dinge vollbracht. Zuerst landeten wie mit mehr als 100 Menschen besuchen das Konzert, das mindestens doppelt, was wir zu erwarten ist. Zweitens wir $300 erhört für unsere Kirche, und endlich hatte ich eine extrem konstante Leistung die ganze Nacht und verlor einige erstaunliche Rückmeldung über das Konzert am Ganzen und meine persönliche Weiterentwicklung. Die anderen wirklich etwas Positives geschehen in dieser Woche ist, dass ich ein Gleichgewicht auf A4, die ich nie zufor gefühlt haben gefunden. Die Note fühlte sich an wie Luftluss hatte (sprich: zu erleichtern) und war doch immer noch sehr gut an meine Brust Stimme verbunden. Dies geschieht nur auf einer bestimmten A4 in einer bestimmten Phrase, aber es ist immer noch eine sehr spannendeVeranstaltung. Das gibt mir ein Bezugspunkt, wo die A4 in meine Stimme und mein Körper ist, jetzt brauche ich nur den Aufbau ihrer Konsistenz.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Deutsch - Woche 2
I know that I am a few days late, but I have not been working on Friday evenings as of late and I do not have a keyboard that I can switch to German anywhere else but here. Most language learners suffer from wanderlust in regards to what language they attempt to learn; I have found that I suffer from learning method wanderlust. Through my research in the last week I have simplified my approach to a basic immersion approach. I have decided that, since I discovered an app for Radio Time on my phone that I am going to listen to as much German as I can. Also, I haved chosen to read through H.C. Andersens' Märchen in German, or at least as many of them as I can. Today, after some contemplation, I also bought a notebook in which I am going to write down things as I learn them throughout the day. The beauty of smartphones is that curiosity can be quickly satisfied and with a notebook handy I can write down these things as they happen and commit them to memory. An example: As I was driving to the store today to buy my notebook I was trying to say "I want to buy a notebook." The problem was, though, that I did not know the words for either buy or notebook. Once I purchased my notebook, I looked up both words, wrote them down, and now have them in my vocabulary: Ich möchte eines Notizbuch kaufen.
Singing has been decent this week, I have not really gained any more pitches. In fact, the B is back to providing me with frustration, but the voice still feels good and the tenor tessitura is less and less of a strain every week. I have not heard about whether I will be able to get down to NYC this month for a lesson, so it seems I am still on my own until January, which will put me at six months without a lesson. I hope that I have not screwed things up too much during this time. On a happier note, I am singing a concert this Sunday the 21st with my girlfriend. It is a concert of musical theater selections which is a nice change, and something I haven't done since about 2004!
Ich weiß, dass ich ein paar Tage zu spät bin, aber ich habe nicht am Freitagabend gearbeitet als in den letzten Zeit und ich habe nicht eine Tastatur, die ich auf Deutsch anderswo, aber hier wechseln kann. Die meisten Sprachschüler leiden unter Fernweh in Bezug welche Sprache sie lernen, versuchen, ich habe festgestellt, dass ich aus Lernmethode mein Konzept für eine grunlegende Eintauchen Ansatz vereinfacht. Ich habe das entschieden, da ich eine App für Radio Time auf meinem Handy, dass ich mich mit so viel Deutsch zu hören, wie ich kann entdeckt. Auch habe ich gewählt, um durch lesen H.C. Andersens Märchen in Deutsch, oder zumindest viele von ihnen wie ich kann. Heute, nach einigen Kontemplation, ich kaufte eines Notizbuch, in dem ich werde aufschreiben, was, wie ich sie den ganzen Tag lernen bin. Die Schönheit des Smartphones ist, dass Neugier schnell zufrieden zu sein und mit eines Notizbuch handlich ich aufschreiben kann diese Dinge, wie sie geschehen und sie in Errinerung. Ein Beispiel: Als ich den Laden heute zu meines Notizbuch zu kaufen habe ich versucht zu sagen, treibende "I want to buy a notebook." Das Problem war aber, dass ich nicht wusste die Worte für "buy" oder "notebook." Sobald ich mein Notizbuch gekauft, schaute ich auf beide Wörter, schrieb sie nieder, und jetzt haben sie in meinem Wortschatz: Ich möchte eines Notizbuch kaufen.
Singen wurde anständing in dieser Woche, habe ich nicht wirklich gewonnen mehr Stellplätze. In der Tat ist die B zurück zur Bereitstellung von mir mit Frustration, aber die Stimme noch ein gutes Gefühl und der Tenor Stimmlage ist immer weniger von einem Stamm jede Woche. Ich habe nicht gehört, ob ich in der Lage, sich an die New York in diesem Monat für eigenen, bis Januar, die mich in sechs Monaten gesetzt hat, ohne eine Lektion. Ich hoffe, dass ich nicht alles zu viel während dieser Zeit geschraubt. Auf eine glücklichere beachten, bin ich singen ein Konzert an diesem Sonntag das 21. mit meiner Freundin. Es ist ein Konzert des Musiktheaters Selektionen, die eine schöne Abwechslung ist, und etwas, das ich nicht seit etwa 2004 getan haben!
Singing has been decent this week, I have not really gained any more pitches. In fact, the B is back to providing me with frustration, but the voice still feels good and the tenor tessitura is less and less of a strain every week. I have not heard about whether I will be able to get down to NYC this month for a lesson, so it seems I am still on my own until January, which will put me at six months without a lesson. I hope that I have not screwed things up too much during this time. On a happier note, I am singing a concert this Sunday the 21st with my girlfriend. It is a concert of musical theater selections which is a nice change, and something I haven't done since about 2004!
Ich weiß, dass ich ein paar Tage zu spät bin, aber ich habe nicht am Freitagabend gearbeitet als in den letzten Zeit und ich habe nicht eine Tastatur, die ich auf Deutsch anderswo, aber hier wechseln kann. Die meisten Sprachschüler leiden unter Fernweh in Bezug welche Sprache sie lernen, versuchen, ich habe festgestellt, dass ich aus Lernmethode mein Konzept für eine grunlegende Eintauchen Ansatz vereinfacht. Ich habe das entschieden, da ich eine App für Radio Time auf meinem Handy, dass ich mich mit so viel Deutsch zu hören, wie ich kann entdeckt. Auch habe ich gewählt, um durch lesen H.C. Andersens Märchen in Deutsch, oder zumindest viele von ihnen wie ich kann. Heute, nach einigen Kontemplation, ich kaufte eines Notizbuch, in dem ich werde aufschreiben, was, wie ich sie den ganzen Tag lernen bin. Die Schönheit des Smartphones ist, dass Neugier schnell zufrieden zu sein und mit eines Notizbuch handlich ich aufschreiben kann diese Dinge, wie sie geschehen und sie in Errinerung. Ein Beispiel: Als ich den Laden heute zu meines Notizbuch zu kaufen habe ich versucht zu sagen, treibende "I want to buy a notebook." Das Problem war aber, dass ich nicht wusste die Worte für "buy" oder "notebook." Sobald ich mein Notizbuch gekauft, schaute ich auf beide Wörter, schrieb sie nieder, und jetzt haben sie in meinem Wortschatz: Ich möchte eines Notizbuch kaufen.
Singen wurde anständing in dieser Woche, habe ich nicht wirklich gewonnen mehr Stellplätze. In der Tat ist die B zurück zur Bereitstellung von mir mit Frustration, aber die Stimme noch ein gutes Gefühl und der Tenor Stimmlage ist immer weniger von einem Stamm jede Woche. Ich habe nicht gehört, ob ich in der Lage, sich an die New York in diesem Monat für eigenen, bis Januar, die mich in sechs Monaten gesetzt hat, ohne eine Lektion. Ich hoffe, dass ich nicht alles zu viel während dieser Zeit geschraubt. Auf eine glücklichere beachten, bin ich singen ein Konzert an diesem Sonntag das 21. mit meiner Freundin. Es ist ein Konzert des Musiktheaters Selektionen, die eine schöne Abwechslung ist, und etwas, das ich nicht seit etwa 2004 getan haben!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Deutsch - Woche 1
With my first "week" of German down, my biggest accomplishment has been understanding sentence structure for the most part. I started the week with the beginning of my 10,000 sentences plan and after only the first 40 sentences was able to grasp quite a bit on structure and even some conjugations. I have a four day weekend this week which, contrary to what one might think, limits my study time. I tend to do most of my studying at work after I finish all of my shift work. Later today I plan to get back to some study, at this point I'm sure my review sentences have piled up substantially. I also came across a recent study about allowing time in between study sessions of the same material in order for it to implant itself into the long term memory. This week I am going to attempt this and see how it works for me.
Yesterday I had a coaching with Gregory Kunde which went very well. Overall I have been very pleased vocally as of late. A few days ago I was vocalizing up to easy high B's. This of course did not last, but the fact that I was able to do it a few times is a great sign. Today I have to look at some new material and also record myself to send to JRL and see if I am still on a good track. I am planning on flying down to NYC in a few weeks for a lesson, but I like to get feedback often. Hopefully this progress will continue through the next few weeks.
Disclaimer: I cannot change the language on this computer to German so where there is supposed to be an umlaut I have placed an e following the vowel in question. i.e. - größten -> groessten
Mit meinem ersten "Woche" der Deutschen nach unten, hat mein groessten Erflog gewesen Verstaendnis Satzbau zum groessten Teil. Ich begann die meiner 10.000 Saetze zu planen und nach nur die ersten 40 Saetzen konnte einiges ueber die Struktur und sogar einige Konjugationen zu erfassen. Ich habe ein vier Tage Wochenende diese Woche, die im Gegensantz zu dem, was man glauben koennte, Grenzen meiner Studienzeit. Ich neige dazu, die meisten meiner Studium an, nachdem ich alle meine Schichtarbeit beenden wollen. Spaeter habe ich heute planen, um wieder zu einigen Studie, and diesem Punkt bin ich sicher, dass mein Beitrage Saetze bis erheblich aufgeschuettet. Ich stiess auch auf eine aktuelle Studie ueber so dass genuegend Zeit zwischen Uebungslektionen aus dem gleichen Material, damit sie sich in das Langzeitgedaechtnis zu implantieren. Diese Woche werde ich versuchen, diese zu sehen, wie es fuer mich funktioniert.
Gestern hatte ich ein Coaching mit Gregory Kunde, die sehr gut gelaufen. Insgesamt war ich sehr stimmlich wie in der letzten Zeit sehr zufrieden. Vor ein paar Tagen war ich "vocalizing" bis leicht hoch B's. Dies natuerlich nicht zuletzt, aber die Tatsache, dass konnte ich tun es ein paar Mal ist ein grosses Zeichen. Heute habe ich auf einige neue Material anschauen und auch aufnehmen mich zu JRL senden und sehen, ob ich noch auf einem guten Weg bin. Ich bin auf das Fliegen nach NYC in ein paar Wochen fuer eine Unterrichtsplanung, aber Ich mag, um "Feedback" bekommen oft. Hoffentlich Fortschritt wird durch den naechsten Wochen fortsetzen.
Yesterday I had a coaching with Gregory Kunde which went very well. Overall I have been very pleased vocally as of late. A few days ago I was vocalizing up to easy high B's. This of course did not last, but the fact that I was able to do it a few times is a great sign. Today I have to look at some new material and also record myself to send to JRL and see if I am still on a good track. I am planning on flying down to NYC in a few weeks for a lesson, but I like to get feedback often. Hopefully this progress will continue through the next few weeks.
Disclaimer: I cannot change the language on this computer to German so where there is supposed to be an umlaut I have placed an e following the vowel in question. i.e. - größten -> groessten
Mit meinem ersten "Woche" der Deutschen nach unten, hat mein groessten Erflog gewesen Verstaendnis Satzbau zum groessten Teil. Ich begann die meiner 10.000 Saetze zu planen und nach nur die ersten 40 Saetzen konnte einiges ueber die Struktur und sogar einige Konjugationen zu erfassen. Ich habe ein vier Tage Wochenende diese Woche, die im Gegensantz zu dem, was man glauben koennte, Grenzen meiner Studienzeit. Ich neige dazu, die meisten meiner Studium an, nachdem ich alle meine Schichtarbeit beenden wollen. Spaeter habe ich heute planen, um wieder zu einigen Studie, and diesem Punkt bin ich sicher, dass mein Beitrage Saetze bis erheblich aufgeschuettet. Ich stiess auch auf eine aktuelle Studie ueber so dass genuegend Zeit zwischen Uebungslektionen aus dem gleichen Material, damit sie sich in das Langzeitgedaechtnis zu implantieren. Diese Woche werde ich versuchen, diese zu sehen, wie es fuer mich funktioniert.
Gestern hatte ich ein Coaching mit Gregory Kunde, die sehr gut gelaufen. Insgesamt war ich sehr stimmlich wie in der letzten Zeit sehr zufrieden. Vor ein paar Tagen war ich "vocalizing" bis leicht hoch B's. Dies natuerlich nicht zuletzt, aber die Tatsache, dass konnte ich tun es ein paar Mal ist ein grosses Zeichen. Heute habe ich auf einige neue Material anschauen und auch aufnehmen mich zu JRL senden und sehen, ob ich noch auf einem guten Weg bin. Ich bin auf das Fliegen nach NYC in ein paar Wochen fuer eine Unterrichtsplanung, aber Ich mag, um "Feedback" bekommen oft. Hoffentlich Fortschritt wird durch den naechsten Wochen fortsetzen.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Cěský - Týden 4
As was the case with Portuguese, I find myself gaining more motivation as I near the end of my month of Czech. My knowledge of this language has grown at a nice pace and I feel that I am leaving it with a good amount of knowledge. The next step for this language will be allowing it to float around in my brain for a while and let my brain make any connections that it has missed this month. This week I have researched and pondered a few new methods of learning, one of which I plan on trying next month. The other is more of a variation on the L-R method I have discussed earlier.
This new method is called 10,000 sentences and the premise behind it is that one studies and understands completely 10,000 sentences in a target language. By the time the learner reaches 10,000 sentences (possibly well before that) he or she will become fluent. This method is more fully fleshed out at and I am not at this point following the prescribed method exactly, but doing my own version of this using Anki.
I am looking forward to German with great anticipation. I can hardly believe that I have gone this long without attempting to learn it! I am waiting on most of my resources still for next month and that is why I am using my new method. I anticipate that for this month I will learn approximately 500 sentences which is a long way off from 10,000 but I am interested to see what kind of grasp of the language this will give me. Also this month, I will be using an old book put out by Berlitz titled Self-Teacher: German which I am looking forward to as well.
On the singing front of things I have had a difficult week. I have been regularly getting in the practice room, but have not been getting the same results as I did last week. It seems to be kind of a two steps forward, one step back scenario lately. I am however still finding more and more ease in my vocalises up through the A and Bb which is a good sign. Oddly enough, on the AJATT website I mentioned above the poster used a quote from Vladimir Horowitz in which he said: “If I do not practice for a day, I know it. If I do not practice for two days, my wife knows it. If I do not practice for three days, my audience knows it.” This has become something of my mantra the last week and at any cost I am getting into a practice room every day. I do not want to know, and I especially do not want others to know me ever being away from my art. It has always plagued me whenever I have not gotten into a practice room. Every day that I do not practice it seems adds another week onto accomplishing my end goal. If you take into account the amount of days in the last ten years that I have not practiced that amounts to much wasted time that I do not want to be responsible for anymore. My pledge now is that I will practice everyday and I will continue to strive with renewed vigor towards my goals.
Jak byl případ s portugalština, jsem se ocitl dozvědět se více motivace, jak jsem se blížít ke konci měsíce jsem česky. Mé znalosti tohoto jazyka se rozrostla na pěkné tempo, a mám pocit, že odjíždím s dobrým množstvi znalostí. Dalším krokem po tento jazyk bude mu umožní kolovat v mém mozku na chivíli a nechte můj mozek žádné spojeni, že vynechal tento měsíc. Tento týden jsem zkoumal a přemýslel několik nových metod učení, z nichž jeden mám v plánu to zkoušet příští měsíc. Na druhé straně je více variace na L-R metodu jsem hovořil dříve.
Tato nová metoda se nazývá 10.000 vět a předpoklad za to, že jedna studie a chapé zcela 10.000 vět v cílovém jazyce. V době, kdy student dosáhne 10.000 vět (možná i před tím), on nebo one bude plynulý. Tato metoda je zcela dotvořena v a Nejsem v tuto chvíli po předepsanou metodu přesně, ale dělá svou vlastní verzi tohoto použití Anki.
Těším se na německé s velkým očekáváním. Nemůžu uvěřit, že jsem pryč tak dlouho, aniž bz se snažila učit se to! Čekám na většine mých zdrojů ještě na příští měsíc a to je důvod, proč jsem pomocí své nové metody. Předpokládám, že pro tento měsíc se budu učit asi 500 vět, která je dlouhá cesta pryč od 10.000, ale mám zájem vidět, jaké pochopení jazyka tohoto mi dá. Také tento měsíc, budu používat starou knihu vyhánění Berlitz s názvem Self-Teacher: German, která se těším na stejně.
Na zpěv před věcí, které jsem měl těžký týden. Byl jsem pravidelně dostává v praxi místnosti, ale nebyly stále stejné výsledky jako já minulý týden. Zdá se, že druh dva kroky vpřed, jeden krok zpátky scénář v poslední době. Jsem však stále najít více a více klidu v mém vocalises nahoru přes a Bb, což je dobré znamení. Kupodivu, na internetových stránkách AJATT jsem se zmínil výše plakát použil citát z Vladimir Horowitz ve kterém on říkal: "Pokud nemám praxi na jeden den, vím to. Pokud nemám praxi na dva dny, moje žena to ví. Pokud nemám praxi po dobu tří dnů, mé publikum to ví. "Toto se stalo něco, co z mého mantra minulý týden a za každou cenu jsem se dostal do praxe místnosti každý den. Nechci vědět, a já hlavně nechci, aby ostatní věděli mě někdy být pryč od své umění. To vždy trápily mě vždy jsem nedostal do praxe místnosti. Každý den, že nemám praxi to vypadá přidává další týden na splnění cíle můj konec. Pokud vezmete v úvahu počet dnů, v posledních deseti letech, že jsem cvičil, že částky, které mají mnohem promarněný čas, že nechci být zodpovědný za ještě. Můj slib, že teď je budu praxe každý den a budu i nadále usilovat s novým elánem k mé cíle.
This new method is called 10,000 sentences and the premise behind it is that one studies and understands completely 10,000 sentences in a target language. By the time the learner reaches 10,000 sentences (possibly well before that) he or she will become fluent. This method is more fully fleshed out at and I am not at this point following the prescribed method exactly, but doing my own version of this using Anki.
I am looking forward to German with great anticipation. I can hardly believe that I have gone this long without attempting to learn it! I am waiting on most of my resources still for next month and that is why I am using my new method. I anticipate that for this month I will learn approximately 500 sentences which is a long way off from 10,000 but I am interested to see what kind of grasp of the language this will give me. Also this month, I will be using an old book put out by Berlitz titled Self-Teacher: German which I am looking forward to as well.
On the singing front of things I have had a difficult week. I have been regularly getting in the practice room, but have not been getting the same results as I did last week. It seems to be kind of a two steps forward, one step back scenario lately. I am however still finding more and more ease in my vocalises up through the A and Bb which is a good sign. Oddly enough, on the AJATT website I mentioned above the poster used a quote from Vladimir Horowitz in which he said: “If I do not practice for a day, I know it. If I do not practice for two days, my wife knows it. If I do not practice for three days, my audience knows it.” This has become something of my mantra the last week and at any cost I am getting into a practice room every day. I do not want to know, and I especially do not want others to know me ever being away from my art. It has always plagued me whenever I have not gotten into a practice room. Every day that I do not practice it seems adds another week onto accomplishing my end goal. If you take into account the amount of days in the last ten years that I have not practiced that amounts to much wasted time that I do not want to be responsible for anymore. My pledge now is that I will practice everyday and I will continue to strive with renewed vigor towards my goals.
Jak byl případ s portugalština, jsem se ocitl dozvědět se více motivace, jak jsem se blížít ke konci měsíce jsem česky. Mé znalosti tohoto jazyka se rozrostla na pěkné tempo, a mám pocit, že odjíždím s dobrým množstvi znalostí. Dalším krokem po tento jazyk bude mu umožní kolovat v mém mozku na chivíli a nechte můj mozek žádné spojeni, že vynechal tento měsíc. Tento týden jsem zkoumal a přemýslel několik nových metod učení, z nichž jeden mám v plánu to zkoušet příští měsíc. Na druhé straně je více variace na L-R metodu jsem hovořil dříve.
Tato nová metoda se nazývá 10.000 vět a předpoklad za to, že jedna studie a chapé zcela 10.000 vět v cílovém jazyce. V době, kdy student dosáhne 10.000 vět (možná i před tím), on nebo one bude plynulý. Tato metoda je zcela dotvořena v a Nejsem v tuto chvíli po předepsanou metodu přesně, ale dělá svou vlastní verzi tohoto použití Anki.
Těším se na německé s velkým očekáváním. Nemůžu uvěřit, že jsem pryč tak dlouho, aniž bz se snažila učit se to! Čekám na většine mých zdrojů ještě na příští měsíc a to je důvod, proč jsem pomocí své nové metody. Předpokládám, že pro tento měsíc se budu učit asi 500 vět, která je dlouhá cesta pryč od 10.000, ale mám zájem vidět, jaké pochopení jazyka tohoto mi dá. Také tento měsíc, budu používat starou knihu vyhánění Berlitz s názvem Self-Teacher: German, která se těším na stejně.
Na zpěv před věcí, které jsem měl těžký týden. Byl jsem pravidelně dostává v praxi místnosti, ale nebyly stále stejné výsledky jako já minulý týden. Zdá se, že druh dva kroky vpřed, jeden krok zpátky scénář v poslední době. Jsem však stále najít více a více klidu v mém vocalises nahoru přes a Bb, což je dobré znamení. Kupodivu, na internetových stránkách AJATT jsem se zmínil výše plakát použil citát z Vladimir Horowitz ve kterém on říkal: "Pokud nemám praxi na jeden den, vím to. Pokud nemám praxi na dva dny, moje žena to ví. Pokud nemám praxi po dobu tří dnů, mé publikum to ví. "Toto se stalo něco, co z mého mantra minulý týden a za každou cenu jsem se dostal do praxe místnosti každý den. Nechci vědět, a já hlavně nechci, aby ostatní věděli mě někdy být pryč od své umění. To vždy trápily mě vždy jsem nedostal do praxe místnosti. Každý den, že nemám praxi to vypadá přidává další týden na splnění cíle můj konec. Pokud vezmete v úvahu počet dnů, v posledních deseti letech, že jsem cvičil, že částky, které mají mnohem promarněný čas, že nechci být zodpovědný za ještě. Můj slib, že teď je budu praxe každý den a budu i nadále usilovat s novým elánem k mé cíle.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Český - Týden 3
My girlfriend has been telling me for months now that I should write a translation of my blog in English since the majority of my friends and acquaitances do not speak the languages I am working on. I had dismissed the idea for most of the time - until today. I realized, although I already knew, that I can express myself much better in English than I can any other language, and I think the better way to grow my vocabulary in my languages is to first write my post in English and then translate it to my target language. I submit the fact that a lot of this will be done using Google Translate and, at least at the beginning, but I nevery copy and past from these two sites, I always type out whatever I am translating so that I can get it in my brain. I use mostly wordreference and try to figure out things on my own, but if a particular phrase is giving me great pause, then I will turn it over to Google Translate. That being said, I invite anybody who is either highly fluent or a native speaker of any of my languages to please check my work and write me any corrections in the comments section. This means that you the reader will be a huge learning tool for me!
Moje holka byla mi říct, pro můry ted' že bzch měl napsat překladu můj blog v angličtině, protože většina mých přátel a známel nemluví jazyky jsem pracoval na. Měl jsem odmítl myšlenku pro většinu času - až do dneška. Uvědomil jsem si, když jsem už věděl, že mohu vyjádřit sama sebe mnohem lépe v angličtině než v jakěmoli jiném jazyce, a myslím že lepší způsob jak pěstovat své slovní zásoby v mém jazyce je nejprve napsat svůj přispěvek v angličtině a pak přeložit do svého cílového jayzka. Předložim k tomu že hodně bude to provendeno pomocí Google Translate a, alespoň na začátku, ale nikdy jsem zkopírovat a vložit z těchto dvou míst, vždycky jsem typ co jsem překládat tak že můžu dostat to do mého mozku. Používám hlavně wordreference a pokusit se zjistit co na vlastní pěst, ale pokud konkrétní frázi je že mi pauza, pak jsem se zase přes Google Translate. To bylo řečeno, zvu každý kdo je bud' velmi plynulý nebo rodilý mluvčí některého z mých jazyků zkontrolujte mé práce pro mě a napistě mi případné opravy v sekci komentáře. To znamená že čtenář bude obrovský učební pomůcka pro mě!
Moje holka byla mi říct, pro můry ted' že bzch měl napsat překladu můj blog v angličtině, protože většina mých přátel a známel nemluví jazyky jsem pracoval na. Měl jsem odmítl myšlenku pro většinu času - až do dneška. Uvědomil jsem si, když jsem už věděl, že mohu vyjádřit sama sebe mnohem lépe v angličtině než v jakěmoli jiném jazyce, a myslím že lepší způsob jak pěstovat své slovní zásoby v mém jazyce je nejprve napsat svůj přispěvek v angličtině a pak přeložit do svého cílového jayzka. Předložim k tomu že hodně bude to provendeno pomocí Google Translate a, alespoň na začátku, ale nikdy jsem zkopírovat a vložit z těchto dvou míst, vždycky jsem typ co jsem překládat tak že můžu dostat to do mého mozku. Používám hlavně wordreference a pokusit se zjistit co na vlastní pěst, ale pokud konkrétní frázi je že mi pauza, pak jsem se zase přes Google Translate. To bylo řečeno, zvu každý kdo je bud' velmi plynulý nebo rodilý mluvčí některého z mých jazyků zkontrolujte mé práce pro mě a napistě mi případné opravy v sekci komentáře. To znamená že čtenář bude obrovský učební pomůcka pro mě!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Another quick update
Again I realize that this has been another month with no posts. Unlike the Latin languages, I do not have a strong enough grounding in these Slavic languages (Russian last month and Czech this month) to really be able to write my thoughts in the language well. I specifically am missing the past and future tenses which are so vital for this type of writing. Czech has been going very well this month. I have made my way through the Pimsleur 1-A course as of yesterday and hope to import the 1-B course tonight when I get home from work. I unfortunately do not have anyone to talk to in Czech (nor will I for Swedish) but I still find myself progressing despite this. Next month I start German. This is one of my vital languages that I must learn well. I will have people to speak with and hope to be able to devote a little more time to this language in all areas.
This month, I read Polyglot: How I Learn Languages by Katò Lomb. I found the book very interesting - especially since it was free! I am intrigued by her method of learning languages and plan to try this once I get around to the top of my cycle again. This brings to my attention the need to describe what the next step of my process is going to be as I am nearing the beginning of the last third of my cycle.
After this month I only have three months left in my cycle of nine languages: German (Nov.), Swedish (Dec.), and Arabic (Jan.). When I come back around to the top of my cycle I am going to reorganize the languages into three categories which will determine the order I work on them. The categories are as follows:
Vital: Italian, French, German
Important: Russian, Spanish, Czech
Recreational: Portuguese, Swedish, Arabic
A brief description of these categories - The languages listed as vital are such due to my vocation as a singer. These are the three most important languages for a singer to know. Likewise, the important languages are also necessary for a singer to know, although more of a specialization. Lastly the final third of my languages are simply languages that I am interested in and have very little bearing on my vocation, at least in my current scope.
When I get to the top of my cycle I will change from one month per language to three months per language with a focus on developing my vocabulary and grammar abilities as well as striving to become comfortable conversationally in most normal situations. I will outline my methods more as I get closer to this time.
As for singing, I sang my first Bb4 in an aria the other day which was very exciting. In general I have noticed that a lot of things have started happening vocally which I am very pleased with. The largest accomplishment was the development of the Ab4 into a not that I can sing consistently. After this many things started happening: my range has begun increasing more quickly, the tessitura has become more manageable and I noticed that I am able to sing softly (although not fully coordinated) up through at least the F4. The biggest achievement is a generally more comfortable feeling through my useable range. I hope to get in for a lesson next month so that I can get a real evalutaion of my progress from JRL and find out the next step in my process.
Hopefully next month I will be able to write a little bit in German for those of you who do actually follow this. See you in November!
This month, I read Polyglot: How I Learn Languages by Katò Lomb. I found the book very interesting - especially since it was free! I am intrigued by her method of learning languages and plan to try this once I get around to the top of my cycle again. This brings to my attention the need to describe what the next step of my process is going to be as I am nearing the beginning of the last third of my cycle.
After this month I only have three months left in my cycle of nine languages: German (Nov.), Swedish (Dec.), and Arabic (Jan.). When I come back around to the top of my cycle I am going to reorganize the languages into three categories which will determine the order I work on them. The categories are as follows:
Vital: Italian, French, German
Important: Russian, Spanish, Czech
Recreational: Portuguese, Swedish, Arabic
A brief description of these categories - The languages listed as vital are such due to my vocation as a singer. These are the three most important languages for a singer to know. Likewise, the important languages are also necessary for a singer to know, although more of a specialization. Lastly the final third of my languages are simply languages that I am interested in and have very little bearing on my vocation, at least in my current scope.
When I get to the top of my cycle I will change from one month per language to three months per language with a focus on developing my vocabulary and grammar abilities as well as striving to become comfortable conversationally in most normal situations. I will outline my methods more as I get closer to this time.
As for singing, I sang my first Bb4 in an aria the other day which was very exciting. In general I have noticed that a lot of things have started happening vocally which I am very pleased with. The largest accomplishment was the development of the Ab4 into a not that I can sing consistently. After this many things started happening: my range has begun increasing more quickly, the tessitura has become more manageable and I noticed that I am able to sing softly (although not fully coordinated) up through at least the F4. The biggest achievement is a generally more comfortable feeling through my useable range. I hope to get in for a lesson next month so that I can get a real evalutaion of my progress from JRL and find out the next step in my process.
Hopefully next month I will be able to write a little bit in German for those of you who do actually follow this. See you in November!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Quick Update
As I foresaw there was no posting in Cyrillic this month - it has been a very crazy month and my studies waned a little due to the business of moving out of my home of the last 3 years. I have found that I really do enjoy Russian though and it has moved its way up on my extended time list once I am done with this cycle. Next month begins Czech! I am very excited about this language, partially because it is a part of my heritage and partially because it is something new. I hope to be able to post more regularly again next month since I will be done moving by then.
On the vocal front the biggest news is that Ab has become comfortable and is no longer a stretch (at least on the [a] vowel)! Hopefully as this balance continues to get better the A will fall into place. It has taken nearly a year for the Ab to finally feel somewhat correct and I am hoping that the next semi-tone or two will progress a little quicker. I am hoping to have a lesson in November so hopefully at that point I will feel comfortable adding in some rep with A's in them!
On the vocal front the biggest news is that Ab has become comfortable and is no longer a stretch (at least on the [a] vowel)! Hopefully as this balance continues to get better the A will fall into place. It has taken nearly a year for the Ab to finally feel somewhat correct and I am hoping that the next semi-tone or two will progress a little quicker. I am hoping to have a lesson in November so hopefully at that point I will feel comfortable adding in some rep with A's in them!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Русский - Неделя 1
Я не знаю достаточно писать по-русский. Я не думать хорошо это почта.
Alright, so for this month I forsee myself writing more in English than in Russian. It's been an adventure so far trying to figure out exactly what the formula is for writing proper sentences as well as making thoughts make sense in said language. I do really enjoy the language though, as I have all of my languages. Next week I will try to write more in actual Russian, but here is my current workload for the month: Pimsleur I-A (30 1/2-hour lessons), Michel Thomas Get Started kit (8 CDs), Teach Yourself Russian (1 20-unit book and 2 CDs) and Learn in Your Car Russian (2 CDs). In addition to this I am using Anki and going through the 1000 most common words on there in the hopes that some of them will stick with me. As of this point I am really happy with all the input I am getting and have noticed that I am pretty comfortable with the knowledge that I have and am excited to learn more. The only difficult thing for this language so far has been keeping my consonants straight on some words.
I am not going to update on the voice this week since I am writing in English. See you next week!
Alright, so for this month I forsee myself writing more in English than in Russian. It's been an adventure so far trying to figure out exactly what the formula is for writing proper sentences as well as making thoughts make sense in said language. I do really enjoy the language though, as I have all of my languages. Next week I will try to write more in actual Russian, but here is my current workload for the month: Pimsleur I-A (30 1/2-hour lessons), Michel Thomas Get Started kit (8 CDs), Teach Yourself Russian (1 20-unit book and 2 CDs) and Learn in Your Car Russian (2 CDs). In addition to this I am using Anki and going through the 1000 most common words on there in the hopes that some of them will stick with me. As of this point I am really happy with all the input I am getting and have noticed that I am pretty comfortable with the knowledge that I have and am excited to learn more. The only difficult thing for this language so far has been keeping my consonants straight on some words.
I am not going to update on the voice this week since I am writing in English. See you next week!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Português - Semana 4
Não creio que minha mês de português é pronto! Era muito divertido e penso que meu português é mais melhor que quando començava. Tenho utilizado FSI por duas semanas e gosto muito. É um poco lento por me, mas penso que tenho um bom conhecimento da idioma. Desejo que posso trabalhar á esta idioma mais, mas devo manter meu horário. Não tenho muito pessoas falar comigo em português e espero que não perco mais quando paro estudar ativamente.
A semana passada era dificil por minha voz porque não podio praticar mais. Meu equilíbro é dificil agora por alguma razão. Eu posso cantar um C5 ainda assim, mas G4 - A4 é muito diferente a antes. Penso que devo um licão com JRL logo por um exame de minha voz.
A semana próxima mudarei à russo! É muito assustador porque tenha um alfabeto muito diferente de todas minha idiomas.
Até logo!
A semana passada era dificil por minha voz porque não podio praticar mais. Meu equilíbro é dificil agora por alguma razão. Eu posso cantar um C5 ainda assim, mas G4 - A4 é muito diferente a antes. Penso que devo um licão com JRL logo por um exame de minha voz.
A semana próxima mudarei à russo! É muito assustador porque tenha um alfabeto muito diferente de todas minha idiomas.
Até logo!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Português - Semana 3
Esta semana passado eu terminava meu CD "Basic Portuguese" de Pimsleur. Agora, uso FSI Programmatic Portuguese e Lingq por ensaio. Esta idioma é muito bem e sou escutar ao radio de Brasil e intendo muito. Já não començo L-R, mas não é importante à me a este tempo. Sou muito contente com meu progesso esta mes em português e penso que tenho encontrado um bom metodo de aprender idiomas.
Esta semana passado era muito dificil por me e minha voz. Eu tenho cantando demais pesado e sem correto fluxo de ar. Compreendava hoje e tenho reparando, mas era muito irritante! Hoje, cantava à C5 e via em uma nova aria - Dies Bildnis. Esta aria é muito dificil porque está muito alto tudo de tempo, mas com correto foco e fluxo é manejável. Sou muito contente agora que tenho reparando minha voz e espero que a semana proxíma será muito melhor que esta semana.
Esta semana passado era muito dificil por me e minha voz. Eu tenho cantando demais pesado e sem correto fluxo de ar. Compreendava hoje e tenho reparando, mas era muito irritante! Hoje, cantava à C5 e via em uma nova aria - Dies Bildnis. Esta aria é muito dificil porque está muito alto tudo de tempo, mas com correto foco e fluxo é manejável. Sou muito contente agora que tenho reparando minha voz e espero que a semana proxíma será muito melhor que esta semana.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Português - Semana 2
Esta semana passada não practicar muito, mas eu sou muito cômodo com a idioma português. Muito do vocabulário é similar a espanhol e a construção é muito fácil. Eu não començo L-R mas, si posso començar esta semana serei muito contente. Esta noite quero completar dois liçãos de FSI e a manhã quero completar meu livro de gramática. Quando completo, començarei L-R e falarei muito.
Eu não practicava muito esta semana passada. No sei porque, mas a manhã e adiante practicarei pelo menos cinco dias por semana. Eu cantava un D5 à quinta-feira, embora. Progesso é lento, mas bem!
Eu não practicava muito esta semana passada. No sei porque, mas a manhã e adiante practicarei pelo menos cinco dias por semana. Eu cantava un D5 à quinta-feira, embora. Progesso é lento, mas bem!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Portugês - Semana 1
Oi tudo!
Eu sei que sou um dia tarde e desculpo por isso. Esta semana passada tenho começado portugês e gosto muito. A idioma é muito similar á espanhol e é divertido para me. Tenho começado com Pimsleur e FSI para vocábulario e com o livro "Essential Portuguese Grammar" para construção de a idioma. Meu vocabulário é mais grande que pensaria! Esta semana próxima planeo començar L-R a Bíblia e rezo o rosário em portugês também!
Para a meu voz, esta semana estava muito excitante! A quinta-feira cantava "De' miei bollenti spiriti" e não esfoçava em nada. Também, cantava um C#5 em escalas! Sou muito excitante para esta semana próxima e as descobertas!
Até esta semana próxima!
Eu sei que sou um dia tarde e desculpo por isso. Esta semana passada tenho começado portugês e gosto muito. A idioma é muito similar á espanhol e é divertido para me. Tenho começado com Pimsleur e FSI para vocábulario e com o livro "Essential Portuguese Grammar" para construção de a idioma. Meu vocabulário é mais grande que pensaria! Esta semana próxima planeo començar L-R a Bíblia e rezo o rosário em portugês também!
Para a meu voz, esta semana estava muito excitante! A quinta-feira cantava "De' miei bollenti spiriti" e não esfoçava em nada. Também, cantava um C#5 em escalas! Sou muito excitante para esta semana próxima e as descobertas!
Até esta semana próxima!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Espanol - Semana 4
Hola Todos!
Esta semana no he practicado mucho, pero he recibido el audiolibro de Harry Potter y he cargado de mi computador. Ahora, debo cargar a mi iPod y comenzar escuchar-leer el libro. Esta noche, he hablando con un persone de Mexico por cinco minutos en espanol, mas no he hablando mucho porque he trajabando. He sentido a gusto hablar con el a pesar de no hablaba por 8 anos en espanol. La proxima semana comenzare portugese, pero pienso che continuare estudiar espanol y frances porque tengo muchos provisiones por las languajes y debo usar la.
De mi voz, he tenido una semana frustrante. La semana pasada, he cantando a C5 en escales y a B4 en ejercicios, pero no he podido cantar por 5 o 6 dias y ayer cuando he cantando no podido cantar a B4 en mis ejercicios. Puedo cantar a C5 en escales todavia, pero los ejercicios es muy dificil. Me doy que debo cantar todas las dias sin exepcion. La voz es desarrollar, pero sin trabajo no puede crecer. Comenzo cantar los 24 canciones y arias esta semana porque no quiero trabajar en la parta de la voz que no desarrolla. No cantaba eso canciones cuando era joven y no se como dificil eso estan. Canto 3 canciones por dia y no son facil. La tessitura de el tenor es muy facil que era hace 3 mes, pero la alta voz es dificil todavia.
La semana proxima sere escribir en portugues! Hasta a la semana proxima!
Esta semana no he practicado mucho, pero he recibido el audiolibro de Harry Potter y he cargado de mi computador. Ahora, debo cargar a mi iPod y comenzar escuchar-leer el libro. Esta noche, he hablando con un persone de Mexico por cinco minutos en espanol, mas no he hablando mucho porque he trajabando. He sentido a gusto hablar con el a pesar de no hablaba por 8 anos en espanol. La proxima semana comenzare portugese, pero pienso che continuare estudiar espanol y frances porque tengo muchos provisiones por las languajes y debo usar la.
De mi voz, he tenido una semana frustrante. La semana pasada, he cantando a C5 en escales y a B4 en ejercicios, pero no he podido cantar por 5 o 6 dias y ayer cuando he cantando no podido cantar a B4 en mis ejercicios. Puedo cantar a C5 en escales todavia, pero los ejercicios es muy dificil. Me doy que debo cantar todas las dias sin exepcion. La voz es desarrollar, pero sin trabajo no puede crecer. Comenzo cantar los 24 canciones y arias esta semana porque no quiero trabajar en la parta de la voz que no desarrolla. No cantaba eso canciones cuando era joven y no se como dificil eso estan. Canto 3 canciones por dia y no son facil. La tessitura de el tenor es muy facil que era hace 3 mes, pero la alta voz es dificil todavia.
La semana proxima sere escribir en portugues! Hasta a la semana proxima!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Espanol - Semana 3
Hola todos mis amigos!
Esta semana era muy dificil por estudiar. He estudiando a sabado y domingo, mas no he podido estudiar a lunes porque he debido entrenar una senorita a trabajo. Pero, el audiolibro de Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal ha llegado y puedo comenzar leer-escuchar esto libro ahora. Mi espanol escrito es muy miglior, mas no tengo personnes por hablar. Esta es muy dificil por mi y mi languaje.
Por mi voz, he escribido un e-mail a JRL que describa mi problema con el classificacion de mi voz. Cuando ha respondido he establacido que trabajare hacia me hago un tenor. Hoy, he cantando a B4 sin problema en escalas, mas no he podido cantar en l'arias porque apreto la voz en contexto. Pero, pienso que hago mucho progreso hacia tenor y tengo confidenza que esta es correcto. Yo debo seguir mi corazon a esta decision.
Una semana mas y entonces cambiar a portugues! Sera interasante tabajar en portugues, el primo de los languajes que no estudiaba en classe. Hasta la semana proxima!
Esta semana era muy dificil por estudiar. He estudiando a sabado y domingo, mas no he podido estudiar a lunes porque he debido entrenar una senorita a trabajo. Pero, el audiolibro de Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal ha llegado y puedo comenzar leer-escuchar esto libro ahora. Mi espanol escrito es muy miglior, mas no tengo personnes por hablar. Esta es muy dificil por mi y mi languaje.
Por mi voz, he escribido un e-mail a JRL que describa mi problema con el classificacion de mi voz. Cuando ha respondido he establacido que trabajare hacia me hago un tenor. Hoy, he cantando a B4 sin problema en escalas, mas no he podido cantar en l'arias porque apreto la voz en contexto. Pero, pienso que hago mucho progreso hacia tenor y tengo confidenza que esta es correcto. Yo debo seguir mi corazon a esta decision.
Una semana mas y entonces cambiar a portugues! Sera interasante tabajar en portugues, el primo de los languajes que no estudiaba en classe. Hasta la semana proxima!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Español - Semana 2
Buenos dias! Soy ignorar los accentos esta tiempo porque no tengo la capacidad por les. Esta semana ha estado muy bien por espanol. He comenzado escuchar-leer la Biblia Santa y pienso que esta es muy util por mes languajes. No se que puedo hablar mucho bueno, mas he aprendado el vocabulario nuevo. He hablando con Ernesto esta semana y he comprendando mucho que el habla. Esta semana proxima, yo continuare escuchar-leer la Biblia Santa y comenzare rezar el Santo Rosario en espanol.
A hora, me voz. Hace dos semanas he tenido uno seminario de la voz con Profesor Shewan y Giuditta Coen. Durante la semana, volvia a cantar como hacia primo de NYC. Me he sentido que esta tecnica es muy facil por mi y la grupa se gusta cuando canto con palabra. No se que continuare con el trabajo de transicion a tenor, o me quedare a baritono. Espero que puedo decider pronto. Rezar por ayuda con me desicion.
Hasta a la semana proxima!
A hora, me voz. Hace dos semanas he tenido uno seminario de la voz con Profesor Shewan y Giuditta Coen. Durante la semana, volvia a cantar como hacia primo de NYC. Me he sentido que esta tecnica es muy facil por mi y la grupa se gusta cuando canto con palabra. No se que continuare con el trabajo de transicion a tenor, o me quedare a baritono. Espero que puedo decider pronto. Rezar por ayuda con me desicion.
Hasta a la semana proxima!
Friday, July 9, 2010
¡Buenos dias!
Yo se que extrañaba una semana, pero yo era a las vacaciones. Esta mes yo estudiaré español; es muy dificl por mi porque no estudiaba esta lenguaje por doce años. Yo uso mucho ora, pero la usaré meno y meno a medida que la mes continúa.
Ora, espero por uno material mas por mis estudios. Escucho a la radio en español cuando trabajo y comprendo un poco que olgo. El lenguaje es muy rapido por mi todavía.
Pienso que esta es bien por el tiempo primero. Por favor, dice mi algunas correccíones de el lenguaje y voy a escribir de nuevo la próxima semana.
Yo se que extrañaba una semana, pero yo era a las vacaciones. Esta mes yo estudiaré español; es muy dificl por mi porque no estudiaba esta lenguaje por doce años. Yo uso mucho ora, pero la usaré meno y meno a medida que la mes continúa.
Ora, espero por uno material mas por mis estudios. Escucho a la radio en español cuando trabajo y comprendo un poco que olgo. El lenguaje es muy rapido por mi todavía.
Pienso que esta es bien por el tiempo primero. Por favor, dice mi algunas correccíones de el lenguaje y voy a escribir de nuevo la próxima semana.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Beginning
Welcome all!
We are going to try this blogging thing again, although this time with a more pointed focus. This time around I am going to make this blog about only two things: 1.) my language acquisition and 2.) my transition from baritone to tenor.
First, I feel that I should explain my process for this blog. I intend to write in whatever target language I am focusing on for the current month (June = French) about anything and everything having to do with either my learning of languages or events in my transition to singing tenor. As I am an opera singer all of the languages which I am currently learning (I will list them momentarily) are ones in which I intend to sing. This is a very exciting time for me vocally as I am discovering aspects of my voice that I did not know existed mere months ago.
Following will be the list of languages which I will be working on over the coming months/years. My goal that I set for myself is to be fluent in ten languages by the time I turn forty. I am only currently twenty-five and am quickly realizing that fifteen years is more than enough time to learn these languages. My system of approach for my task is to focus on one language per month on a rotating basis. During this time, I listen to talk radio in my target language as much as possible to familiarize myself with the sounds of the language. I also switch my iGoogle and Facebook accounts into my target language so that I am forced to read and build at least some vocabulary in said language. In addition to these things, I also try to buy at least one, if not two, basic introductory language audio programs ("Learn in your car" by Pelton, a Michel Thomas program, etc.) to build some very basic vocabulary. Beginning next month I am going to be playing around with a new method to me, Listening-Reading, which should be a fun experience. Additional steps include trying to find people who speak my target language(s), such as my friend Ernest, and speaking with them as much as possible in the language of the month. The newest aspect of my process is going to be this blog. After this post I will no longer post anything in English (sorry for those of you who only read English), save for some responses to comments (if there are any) from people who do not speak in one of my target languages.
I think that this should be a wonderful experiment and I hope that it proves to be beneficial to me and any readers who might come across it. I apologize in advance for the subject matter dealing with my singing journey if it is a bore to some of you, but I figure I should write about something that I am passionate about. Now, for a quick plug to the blog that gave me the idea to start this blog: This is a wonderful site with a lot of valuable information. Without further anticipation, here is the list of languages I will be covering in the order you will see them, beginning with June.
See you all tomorrow. My intent after tomorrow's post is to post once a week, ideally every Friday!
Good Night!
We are going to try this blogging thing again, although this time with a more pointed focus. This time around I am going to make this blog about only two things: 1.) my language acquisition and 2.) my transition from baritone to tenor.
First, I feel that I should explain my process for this blog. I intend to write in whatever target language I am focusing on for the current month (June = French) about anything and everything having to do with either my learning of languages or events in my transition to singing tenor. As I am an opera singer all of the languages which I am currently learning (I will list them momentarily) are ones in which I intend to sing. This is a very exciting time for me vocally as I am discovering aspects of my voice that I did not know existed mere months ago.
Following will be the list of languages which I will be working on over the coming months/years. My goal that I set for myself is to be fluent in ten languages by the time I turn forty. I am only currently twenty-five and am quickly realizing that fifteen years is more than enough time to learn these languages. My system of approach for my task is to focus on one language per month on a rotating basis. During this time, I listen to talk radio in my target language as much as possible to familiarize myself with the sounds of the language. I also switch my iGoogle and Facebook accounts into my target language so that I am forced to read and build at least some vocabulary in said language. In addition to these things, I also try to buy at least one, if not two, basic introductory language audio programs ("Learn in your car" by Pelton, a Michel Thomas program, etc.) to build some very basic vocabulary. Beginning next month I am going to be playing around with a new method to me, Listening-Reading, which should be a fun experience. Additional steps include trying to find people who speak my target language(s), such as my friend Ernest, and speaking with them as much as possible in the language of the month. The newest aspect of my process is going to be this blog. After this post I will no longer post anything in English (sorry for those of you who only read English), save for some responses to comments (if there are any) from people who do not speak in one of my target languages.
I think that this should be a wonderful experiment and I hope that it proves to be beneficial to me and any readers who might come across it. I apologize in advance for the subject matter dealing with my singing journey if it is a bore to some of you, but I figure I should write about something that I am passionate about. Now, for a quick plug to the blog that gave me the idea to start this blog: This is a wonderful site with a lot of valuable information. Without further anticipation, here is the list of languages I will be covering in the order you will see them, beginning with June.
See you all tomorrow. My intent after tomorrow's post is to post once a week, ideally every Friday!
Good Night!
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